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William Waldron Schieffelin Claytor

Dudley Weldon Woodard

What is the "Claytor-Woodard Lecture" Series?

The Claytor-Woodard Lecture was inaugurated in 1980 in honor of the second and third African-Americans to earn the doctoral degree in mathematics.

  • Dudley Weldon Woodard (1881 -- 1965) was the second; he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Ph.D. in 1928. Woodard established the M.S. degree program in mathematics at Howard University in 1929, guaranteeing Howard's mathematical program as the pinnacle for studying mathematics among the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). He was the thesis supervisor for many of Howard's M.S. degree students, including Claytor.
  • William Waldron Schieffelin Claytor (1908 -- 1967) was the third; he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Ph.D. in 1933. In 1929-30, Claytor was the most promising student in the inaugural year of Woodard's new graduate mathematics program at Howard. Fresh from earning his Ph.D. at Penn, Woodard recommended Claytor for admission to Penn's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Claytor would be the first African American to publish mathematics research.

Each year NAM invites a mathematical scientist or educator who exemplifies the spirit of Claytor and Woodard in their concerted efforts to advance mathematical research for underrepresented American minorities. The hour-long address takes place during the Joint Mathematics Meetings.

Suggest the next Claytor-Woodard Lecturer!

We welcome nominations for future Claytor-Woodard Lecturers! Please consider the following criteria:

  • Claytor-Woodard Lecturers should be outstanding researchers in the mathematical sciences.
  • Speakers should be prepared to present a research talk to a general audience.
  • We prefer speakers who have not given a Claytor-Woodard Lecture in the past.
  • We seek a diversity of speakers. Please remember that our intended audience will feature a diversity of race/ethnicity, gender, age, and subject matter.

Fill out the nomination form here.

Claytor-Woodard Lectures

 2025  Tai-Danae Bradley
  Structure in Language: A Category Theoretical Perspective
 2024 Shelly M. Jones  Choosing Hope: Teaching Culturally Relevant Mathematics as a Human Endeavor


Ryan Hynd The Blaschke–Lebesgue theorem revisited


Monica Jackson Spatial Data Analysis for Public Health Data
 2021 Chelsea Walton An invitation to Noncommutative Algebra
 2020 Suzanne Weekes

A numerical and analytical study of dynamic materials

2019  Henok Mawi On Mathematical Problems in Geometric Optics
2018  Ronald Mickens Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes: Impact, Importance, and Dynamical Consistency
 2017 Wilfrid Gangbo Paths of minimal lengths on the set of exact differential k-forms
 2016 Tatiana Toro Analysis on non-smooth domains
2015  Talithia Williams Statistician's Guide to Becoming Your Body's Expert
2014  Arthur D. Grainger On the Structure of β SJ
 2013 Rudy Lee Horne Stability and Dynamics of Solitary Waves in AlGaAs Waveguide Arrays and BEC Spinor Lattices
 2012 Aderemi Oluyomi Kuku

Profinite (Continuous) Equivariant Higher Algebraic K-theory for the Action of Algebraic Groups

 2011 Edray Herber Goins Galois representations and L-Series: A Tour Through Mathematics
2010  Abdul-Aziz Yakubu The Impact of Periodic Proportional Harvesting Policies on TAC-Regulated Fishery Systems
2009 Earl R. Barnes

The Hoffman-Wielandt Inequality Revisited

2008 Scott W. Williams Box Products 25 Years Later
2007  Nathaniel Whitaker  Some Mathematical Models for Modeling Blood Flow in the Kidney
2006  Gaston M. N'Guerekata

A Rebirth of Bochner's Theory of Almost Automorphy of Solutions to Evolution Equations

2004  Jonathan David Farley Captain Carib's Daring Escape, the Linear Extensions of a Ranked Poset, and a Problem of Richard Stanley from 1981
2003 Overtoun Jenda Gorenstein Injective, Projective, and Flat Modules
2002  Katherine Okikiolu Spectral Zeta Functions
2001  Bonita V. Saunders  
2000  Floyd Williams Notes on Quantum Electrodynamics on a Negatively Curved Surface and the Selberg-Maass Trace Formula
1999  Earl R. Barnes Maximum Cliques and Minimum Colorings in Graphs
1998 Joshua Leslie Lie's 3rd Theorem in Infinite Dimensons
1997  Carolyn R. Mahoney

Independent Partitions and Independent Set Numbers of Matroids

1996  William A. Massey

The Mathematics of Queuing Networks

1995  James H. Curry Endomorphisms and the Factorization of Polynomials
1994  James C. Turner, Jr.

A Novel Approach to Turbulent Modeling

1993 Fern Y. Hunt Approximating the Invariant Measures of Finite Dimensional Maps
1991  Amassa Fauntleroy Projective Subspaces of Hermitian Symmetric Spaces
1990  Scott W. Williams The Box Product Problem
1989 James Robinson Crownover Shifts and Schauder Bases
1988  Wade Ellis, Jr What Do Your Need To Know For Sure
1987  Curtis ClarkBessie Tucker, and Donald Cole NAM's Claytor Session of Invited Presentations
1986  J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr. Optimization of Extended Surfaces for Heat Transfer
1985 David Harold Blackwell Three Applications of Topology to Statistics
1984  Albert Turner Bharucha-Reid Some Applications Using Probability Analysis
 1980 James E. Joseph  Some New Continuity Notions and Applications

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