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national association of mathematicians

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Elbert Frank Cox

Walter Richard Talbot

What is the "Cox-Talbot ADDRESS" Series?

The Cox-Talbot Address was inaugurated in 1990 in honor of the first and fourth African-Americans to earn the doctoral degree in mathematics.

  • Elbert Frank Cox (1895 -- 1969) was the first; he graduated from Cornell University with a Ph.D. in 1925. In 1929, Elbert Cox moved to Howard University. He served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department from 1955-61, and remained at Howard until his retirement in 1965. In 1975, the Howard University Mathematics Department, at the time of the inauguration of its Ph.D. program, established the Elbert F. Cox Scholarship Fund for undergraduate mathematics majors to encourage young black students to study mathematics at the graduate level.
  • Walter Richard Talbot (1909 -- 1977) was the fourth; he graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a Ph.D. in 1935. In 1963, Walter Talbot moved to Morgan State University. He served as Chairman and Professor of Mathematics, and remained at Morgan State until his retirement in 1977. In 1978, NAM honored Walter Talbot "in memoria" at a luncheon and Morgan State University named a scholarship in his honor.

Each year NAM invites a mathematical scientist or educator who exemplifies the spirit of Cox and Talbot in both personal achievement and service to the mathematical community. The hour-long lecture takes place during the annual NAM Banquet as part of the Joint Mathematics Meetings.

Suggest the next Cox-Talbot Lecturer

We welcome nominations for future Cox-Talbot Lecturers! Please consider the following criteria:

  • Cox-Talbot Lecturers should be prepared to present a banquet talk to a general audience. The talk need not contain mathematical content, but it should address an issue of interest to our general membership.
  • We prefer speakers who have not given a Cox-Talbot Lecture in the past.
  • We seek a diversity of speakers. Please remember that our intended audience will feature a diversity of race/ethnicity, gender, age, and subject matter.

Fill out the nomination form here.

Cox-Talbot Lectures

2025  Omayra Ortega Who is the Conscience of AI?
2024  Ranthony A. Clark Quantitative Justice: Intersections of Mathematics and Society


Nathan Alexander  Histories of African-Americans connecting mathematics and society
2022  Robert Q. Berry III  Interest Convergence: An analytical viewpoint for examining how power dictates policies and reforms in mathematics
2021  Talitha Washington Leveraging Data Science at HBCUs to Advance Innovation
2020 Roselyn Williams

Bridging the Gaps in Undergraduate Mathematics Education

2019 Talithia Williams A Seat at the Table: Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education
2018  Erica Walker Hidden in Plain Sight: Mathematics Teaching and Learning Through a Storytelling Lens
2017  Garikai Campbell The Changing Higher Education Landscape: One Mathematician Turned Administrator's View
2016 Tanya A. Moore

Why Mathematicians and Statisticians are Needed to Create Lasting Social Impact

2015 Jacqueline Brannon Giles Mathematics: An Imitation of Life
2014  Nathaniel Dean Solving Our Human Problems
2013 Genevieve Madeline Knight The Rest of the Story
2012  Sylvia T. Bozeman  Creating Mathematical Scientists Among the Underrepresented
2011  Robert Bozeman

Increasing the Pool of Underrepresented Mathematicians

2010 Abdulalim Abdullah Shabazz The Number Zero: Its Origin and Use
 2009 Leon Woodson State of a M.A.D. Union
2008  Earl R. Barnes  
2007  Scott W. Williams

Why "Mathematicians of the African Diaspora?"

2006  Wade Ellis, Jr. Teaching Mathematics in the 21st Century: Anecdotes From the Past and Future
2005  John W. Alexander Jr. Intrinsically Interesting Mathematical Intrigue (Why I love Mathematics)
2004 J. Ernest Wilkins  Reflections
2003 Raymond L. Johnson 

The Maryland Experience: Building a Community of African American Graduate Students

2002  Gloria Conyers Hewitt The Right Train
1999  Johnny L. Houston The End of One Era, the Dawn of Another
1998  Nathaniel Pollard, Jr. Some 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities for Minorities in Mathematics, Science and Engineering
1997  Charles B. Bell Some of My Favorite Mathematicians
1996  Evelyn Boyd Granville Some Perspective about Mathematics and Mathematics Education
1995  William Hawkins

Some Perspectives About Underrepresented American Minorities in Mathematics

1994  Etta Z. Falconer Challenges and Opportunities for Minorities in Science and Mathematics
1992  Gloria Gilmer Ethomathematics: A natural focus for NAM
1990  Johnny L. Houston Some Milestones of the Past, Challenges of the Future

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